Tuesday’s TeaThyme
weekly wisdom and inspiration!
a personal spiritual path
Part 2: Niyamas
All of us have a desire for finding a better way. Hoping that we make an impact on the world around us. We want to contribute in some way that makes a difference.
Part 1 describes the 8 limbs of yoga. Patanjali, a Sage from the second century, wrote about the Yogic life style.
Part One describes the Yamas, moral code of conduct
Here I will talk about the second limb called, Niyamas.
Niyamas are the practices to support the individual who is creating a more spiritual path.
Bring these practices into your daily life to foster true awareness of who you are as well as a soft heart.
Finding the joy and sorrow in our life as blessings. Treating them equally in your mind, body and spirit.
1. Saucha - purity and cleanliness
2. Santosha - contentment, embracing the moment
3. Tapas - discipline, training the senses of the body and mind
4. Svadhyaya - sacred self examination, contemplation
5. Isvara Pranidhanan - surrender to the Divine