Friday, March 9, 2012

Hey, what are you reading?

Have you ever been asked, "What are you reading?", of course you have. 
Everyone reads.  Well, everyone may not read books, but we read other media.  I am talking about hard cover, almost old fashion, paper in hand, books.  At least we, as a society, are recycling, renewing, and reusing more and more.  We are constantly sharing books with others.  When we read a good book we want to share it with others. 

So, how many books can you read at the same time?  Are you a serial reader, one who reads cover to cover and then on to the next book?  Are you a person who can read three books in one weekend (like say, Pete for instance).  Or are you, the kind that reads many books at once.  I mean, alternating between several books at once.   Hmmm, let's see I am reading..(and this is only books, right?), 6 books right now.  I keep my 6 books in different rooms, so that means I have my morning books, my bathroom books, my night time books, my study books and my read anytime, anywhere books.  

My morning books are all about meditation, daily reflections and meaning.  The book I am currently reading right now is, Meditations from the Mat, by Rolf Gates and Katrian Kenison.  This book is daily reflections on the Path of Yoga.  I talk about this eight-limbed path in the yoga practices that I teach.  A wonderful review of the eight limbs reminding us that our journey is so very important.

Another morning book that I am reading is The Artist Way, by Julia Cameron.  This is the ever so famous book of a "spiritual path to higher creativity".  I am working on this book with a friend.  We are reading one chapter weekly, writing our morning pages and going on artist dates with ourselves as we discover, discuss and create confidence as we move forward in life.  Group work is always so powerful.

I have a book that I keep with me in the car.  Since I travel from house to house teaching private and small group yoga sessions, I have periods of down time.  I use this time for self study (one of the eight limbs!).  This book happens to be, Glynis Has Your Number, by Glynis McCants.  I was given this book by a friend, fellow yogis, and Feng Shui Consultant, Priscilla Simpson.  This book is about "discovering what your life has in store for you through the power of numerology"  The power in numbers is incredible.  I bring this knowledge into my YOGA education series. 

My reading from cover-to-cover book is, The Vision Board Book, by John Assaraf.  "How to use the power of intention and visualization to manifest the life of your dreams".  I use this notion in the last two weeks of the YOGA education series.  I am putting it to work.  I have my vision board in my yoga studio here at the house. 

OK, so I do have a fiction that I am reading.  My sister-in-law, Tina recycled her book, by Jodi Picoult, Sing You Home.  A novel.  I read this whenever and wherever.  fun and entertaining.

Lastly, my favorite, I read and re-read and analyze and think and wonder and believe in the power of, Callings.  "Finding and following an authentic life.  I love, love, love this book.  It's by Gregg Levoy.  I read it at night, talk to Rick about it.  (I wonder if he listens)..who cares.  He doesn't tell me to be quiet. 

So, have you read anything good lately???

Janine Robichaud, Yoga Instructor 1-1 and small group & Life Coach

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