Saturday, March 17, 2012

The aches and pains of Yoga

Yoga is not suppose to hurt.  Yet, at times, I heard someone say that after a class their neck, shoulders, core or lower back was sore.  Why is this?  There are several reasons that yoga can actually make you feel uncomfortable or even down right hurt.  This of course is not what we, as instructors, want for our students.  So take these precautions and enjoy each one of your classes whether they are at home or in a studio.
a.  be sure you are with a qualified instructor.
b. listen to your body..the entire class.  stay present.  bring your mind back to the practice.
b.  stretching before you begin is important.  warm up your ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
c. drink a small amount of water before hand, eat a very small snack or nothing right before class, and after class be sure to drink lots of water.  If you have ever been to a massage therapist, they always recommend water to detox your body.  Same idea.  Detox after your yoga practice. 
d.  if you are not comfortable in the pose, stop.  Ask questions, and re-align yourself.
e. go at your own pace
f.  always give the instructor your injury history, when appropriate
g.  listen to your body.  when it says stop, stop
h. rest when necessary.  know your limitations, go to your edge.  No one else's edge
i. stay present and breathe.  the breathe moves you from pose to pose. 

Yoga is about your own awareness.  It is using the breathe as you move from pose to pose in a rhythmic manner.  When it no longer feels like this is happening back off, come into child's pose and bring your mind to the present.  Scan your body. 

I enjoy teaching small groups of people for this very reason, people are comfortable and can ask questions with no fear.  I can continuously help people get into poses that are right for them. 

And if by chance you are sore after, contact the instructor, and find some relief through breath, poses and stretching that will release the area that is painful. 

Janine is a yoga instructor and Life Coach practicing from her home studio.  She invites students to her studio for 1-1 personal sessions, as well as traveling to the home for small groups. She leads educational coaching series along with personal 1-1 life coaching using the Co-Active Coaching techniques.  You can reach her at 207-251-9577

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