Sunday, April 8, 2012

April means what?

footbridge at low tide

Believe in the low tides as much as the Highs

According to numerology, April represents 4, 5 (2012) and 9. (4+5).

Think of this month as a garden.  You want to nurture the garden, go within and gather strength. 
The number 5 represents choices and decisions.  Decide what are you going to "plant" in your life.  What new choices do you have?  What decisions do you need to make?  Bring these two into balance by paying attention, nurturing yourself and moving forward with confidence. 
The number 4 represents a time to pause and regain our perspective.
The number 9 is about endings, emotional experiences and unconditional love. 

My advice to you this month is to make sure you nurture yourself with self care.  Be sure to get rest, read a good book, stop and pay attention to little things, and don't get caught up in other people's drama. 

OK, so for that garden.
plant the seeds to move forward, but move gently. 
Think about what a garden needs and bring that into your life this month.  Jeremy Geffen, MD states this beautifully in his integrative program, The Seven Levels of Healing.  He states and teaches in Level 3, that our bodies need nurturing and care as well as space and sunshine.  He wants you to look at your body as a garden to heal and grow, not a machine to fix.  Take this same idea and bring it into your emotional state, your dreams, ideas and passions.  Make room for these to grow. 
Plant the seed
Be patient.
Weed, water and provide the necessary nutrients to thrive. 
Enjoy the outcomes!

I suggest putting a post-it note on your bathroom mirror:
 "Pause, Breathe, Relax and Gain Strength"
What better way to do all this.......Restorative, gentle hatha yoga!!  I just could not resist that...plug!

Use your own guided awareness to move you through the month of April.  You will need this 'time- out' because May comes on strong. 

Janine is a yoga instructor and Life Coach practicing from her home studio. She invites students to her studio for 1-1 personal sessions, as well as traveling to the home for small groups. She leads educational coaching series along with personal 1-1 life coaching using the Co-Active Coaching techniques. You can reach her at 207-251-9577

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