Taking a look at June 2012
June is the sixth month in numerology. Six represents family, healing, and responsibilities. May caused some change to happen, now June picks up the pieces and begins to sort them out. Like a puzzle, look for those missing pieces and start fitting them together. Use your intuition this month and trust your gut.You will look deeply inward and your relationships will intensify. This is partially caused by the month and the year. June (6) + 2012 (5), added together provides us with an 11 this month. Everything will be magnified and intensified. Weed out this month and look for those things that need your attention and go for it.
Real answers lie in the letting go of the things that we find un-useful. Real answers come in those missing pieces that you will find. You will feel challenged this month, and this is because you will be forced to make some necessary adjustments in order to establish the harmony that you well deserve.
Real answers come with sorting things out...de-clutter, organize and weed out the toxic things that are blocking you.
With clear intentions and expectations, you will begin to align yourself on your path.
Janine is a yoga instructor and Life Coach practicing from her home studio. She invites students to her studio for one on one personal sessions, as well as traveling to the home for small groups. If you are looking for gentle yoga to increase flexibility, strength and decrease stress within, this is the style of yoga that you want for your practice. As a life coach, she leads educational coaching series along with personal one on one life coaching using the Co-Active Coaching techniques. You can reach her at 207-251-9577
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