Monday, October 15, 2012

Yoga Supports us

Healing as a Community...

Coming together as a group to practice yoga is very powerful.  How many times have you walked into the studio, see another person on their mat, someone that you know, someone that you trust, someone that you connect with in class and felt that today's practice is going to be nice.  Maybe that person inspires you, perhaps that person supports you in your efforts, or they care enough to ask you how you are doing.

 If you practice with the same group there is a comfort, feeling of support, trust, and strength that plays into your own practice. 

The yoga instructor influences the group as well.  I strive for just that.  When a yoga group is formed in the home, it is usually formed by the homeower. They decide who to practice with, when and how many to invite.  This begins the supportive yoga group.   Every once in a while a group will have an opening.  I do whatever I can to find the perfect replacement.

Groups in studios can become the same supportive group.  The same people come to the studio week after week.  When someone does not show up,  that person is  missed and often a phone is made or an email is sent asking  if they are Ok.  It feels good to be missed, to be noticed and be part of a group that care. 

Find a group and begin to reap the benefits of the energy formed.
Find the difference
Find your space

enjoy the change!

Janine is a Yoga Instructor and Life Coach practicing from her home studio. She invites students to her studio for personal sessions, as well as traveling to your home. She is teaching in a couple studios right now in the Wells/Ogunquit area, as well as at The Cancer Care Center of York County and York Hospital. 
If you are looking for gentle yoga to increase flexibility, strength, increase energy and decrease stress, this is the style of yoga that you want for your practice. As a life coach, she leads educational coaching series along with personal one on one life coaching using the Co-Active Coaching techniques and Ayurveda Science. You can reach her at 207-251-9577


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