Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Are you living a Heart Centered Life?

A heart centered life is full of love and compassion.
What is your true self asking of you?  Who is your true self?

What are your values, your calling, the wisdom that you hold deep inside, the intuition that guides you, and messages that you send out physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Being true to yourself doesn't always come natural for us.  We hide behind a mask of what we think others may like or want from us.

If you can begin with a simple (yet often difficult) body scan of breath and awareness you can tune into who you are, what you need and want.  Where is the tension held in your body?
Ask yourself these five questions to see if you are willing to listen to your heart with compassion.  Live your life with love and compassion.
1... How much do you trust yourself?  Do you speak your truth?  Do you listen with full attention?
2.  Do you know your own values?  What is important in your life?
3.  Are you willing to spend alone time?  deepening your meditation practice, mindfulness and awareness.
4.  Can you ask yourself the tough questions?  Have confidence to own your inner wisdom.
5.  Will you take action to create a more gratifying satisfying heart centered life?

What is your first step?
Take it.
Love with passion, Love with Compassion, Love Yourself


Janine is a Yoga Instructor and Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, practicing from her home studio in Massachusetts and Ogunquit, Maine. Janine's work includes recovery from illness, trauma and stresses (physical and emotional) caused by everyday living.   She teaches and coaches a style of yoga called integral or classical yoga, which uses the four paths of yoga to reach full awareness and complete balance of mind, body and spirit.
 Janine's yoga practice has tremendous therapeutic effect on your body. Not only does it work your physical body, it works on better breathing, vitality, concentration, healing and relaxation.   As an Ayurveda and Yoga Wellness Counselor, she will provide guidance on ayurvedic and yogic lifestyle change to bring about greater health and harmony.  

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